Elevator Pitch 你有没有经历过这样的烦恼:上网课时,抬头低头间,发现教授讲的内容已经听不懂了;实习时和小组远程联络的时候,一走神,发现组长交待的任务没有
Project Description This is not just a tradition Tower Defense Game. We designed 3 levels to give players three different game modes. 1 - Untitled Tower Defense Level 1 is a traditional tower defense game. 3 waves of enemies, 3 types of turrets, and 3 types of enemies. Each turret can be upgraded once or sold. 2 - Untitled Tower Attack Level 2 provides players with an opportunity to control the attackers and to play a third person action game.
Project Description The player should reach a “finish zone” by controlling a character. There is no win or loss condition in this game, only a completed condition (the player enters the “finish zone”). Made with Unity. Instructions “W” and “S” to go forward or back “A” and “D” to turn around “Space” to jump Download